
Meet Gracie, Our Inspiration!

When Gracie was born, our world changed in the most unexpected ways. As a baby with Down Syndrome, she spent time in the NICU, and weeks in intensive therapy when we quickly realized that some milestones might take longer to reach.

But one thing was clear—Gracie was full of strength, determination, and joy. Watching her grow and learn, we knew we wanted to create something that could help her, and typical children, develop the skills they needed to thrive.

That’s when the idea for the Pincer Pal was born—a simple, practical tool to help children build the fine motor skills they use every day.

Turning a Challenge into Innovation

As Gracie grew, we searched for ways to help her strengthen her pincer grasp—a key fine motor skill that supports everything from eating to writing. We wanted something simple, safe, and fun for her. But we couldn’t find the perfect solution. So, we decided to create it ourselves. After countless prototypes and the help of therapists, the Pincer Pal was born: a tool not just for Gracie, but for every child striving to develop independence and confidence.