
Inspired by Gracie. Designed for Every Child’s DevelopmeNT.

The Pincer Pal is more than just a feeding tool – it’s a pathway to independence and growth.

Created to help children like Gracie strengthen their fine motor skills, the Pincer Pal encourages self-feeding and makes mealtime a fun, educational experience.

Whether for toddlers, children with developmental challenges, or those simply learning new skills, this innovative placemat supports essential motor development that benefits every child’s growth.

Why Choose the Pincer Pal?

This tool can be used in a multiplicity of ways.

See the Pincer Pal in Action


"It's amazing to see his independence and fine motor skills develop with each meal!" - Ariel

"I actually love this concept for my daughter!" - Cassie

"It's awesome! I love the suction parts and it's easy to clean."  - Chaunte